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Did Jesus Die For Our Sins? A Look at the Doctrine of Substitutionary Atonement
Some truths are uncomfortable. Some Christian doctrines confront us with realities we’d rather not face. The substitutionary atonement of Christ is one of them. Simply put, substitutionary atonement is the […]
Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
Few topics in Christian theology generate as much discussion as baptism and salvation. Some churches teach that baptism is necessary for salvation, while others (like Olney Baptist Church) say it […]
The Incredible Reach and Legacy of John 3:16
On Sunday, March 16, I will join with thousands of other pastors in preaching the most famous verse in the Bible. Few verses in the Bible have left as profound […]
How to Take Your Thoughts Captive
Nearly twenty years ago, I went to prison. How’s that for an opening? 🙂 I hope I have your attention, but I promise it’s not click-bait. I really did go […]
Should Your Church Be Judged by Its Sermons on Current Events? A Response to John Pavovlitz
Should churches speak out on what’s happening in the news? If so, how often? And who decides? These questions have been around for a while and they were evident in […]
A Leader Without Mercy is a Tragedy
It’s not enough for leaders to be right. Leaders must also be sensitive. Leaders shouldn’t just stand for truth. They should be men and women of mercy. That’s my contention […]
What if I Have Doubts About My Faith in God?
How can I know God is real? How can I truly believe that God cares about me? Is it wrong to question God? What if I struggle to believe the […]
First Impressions of ‘House of David’ (Episode One)
Today was the debut of Amazon’s new epic miniseries, House of David. I took the opportunity to watch the first episode – there are three (as of this writing) available […]
A Simple Introduction to the Major Branches of Christianity
Spend any time in Christian circles or examining Christian beliefs and you’ll run into a dizzying array of confusion. Estimates suggest there are nearly 45,000 distinct Christian denominations globally, ranging […]
Do We Still Value Life? A Call to Reflect on the Sixth Commandment
In recent months, I’ve been reflecting more and more on how our society views human life. Every time I turn on the news or scroll through social media, I see […]
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