Month: March 2020

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Why Did Jesus Ask the Rich Young Ruler to Sell All He Had?

    Why Did Jesus Ask the Rich Young Ruler to Sell All He Had?

    A simple question from the rich young ruler about eternal life gave Jesus Christ an opportunity to teach what it really means to be a Christian. The Gospels of Matthew, […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: 21 Proverbs You Can’t Live Without

    21 Proverbs You Can’t Live Without

    The Book of Proverbs is the greatest collection of wisdom literature in all of human history. While you should read and study the entire book of Proverbs, here are 21 proverbs you can't live without.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: What Does the Bible Say About Domestic Violence?

    What Does the Bible Say About Domestic Violence?

    Domestic violence is not new. It has tragically been around for all of human history. What does the Bible say about abuse? Victims of domestic violence should know that the […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: How to Read and Understand the Bible

    How to Read and Understand the Bible

    The Bible is the world’s bestselling book, and yet it is also one of the most intimidating, controversial, and misunderstood books. Not surprisingly, many people are afraid to dive too […]