Month: June 2020

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: How the Statue Controversy Points to Jesus

    How the Statue Controversy Points to Jesus

    It began with calls to remove statues to Confederate generals and politicians. It soon expanded to include statues and memorials to Christopher Columbus, America's Founding Fathers, Union generals, and post-Civil War U.S. Presidents. Many Americans wonder: What's next? And that very question leads us to perhaps one of the greatest moments for evangelism in American history.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: America Needs Healing

    America Needs Healing

    Never in my lifetime has the United States of America been in the midst of such turmoil, unrest, uncertainty, and pain as is the case now. America needs healing.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Leave No One Behind (and that includes George Floyd)

    Leave No One Behind (and that includes George Floyd)

    Yesterday was the funeral for George Floyd, and it led me to think of part of the Soldier's Creed I learned many years ago at Ft. Benning, Georgia: "I will never leave a fallen comrade." We must purpose together as a nation not to leave behind our own citizens -- people like George Floyd.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: A Psalm for God’s People (Psalm 34)

    A Psalm for God’s People (Psalm 34)

    We live in difficult and challenging times, and many people are scared, angry, confused, frustrated, and in despair. It is a good time to reflect on and meditate on God’s […]