Month: November 2020

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: How to Destroy Humankind: My Review of CS Lewis’ ‘The Abolition of Man.’

    How to Destroy Humankind: My Review of CS Lewis’ ‘The Abolition of Man.’

    The postmodernist deconstruction of objective truth and value claims will spell the end of freedom and usher in dictatorship and slavery. Indeed, postmodernism has within its capacity to bring about the very end of the human race. This is essentially the claim of the book we review today: C.S. Lewis' The Abolition of Man.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Is it Wrong for Christians to Read (or Watch) Fantasy?

    Is it Wrong for Christians to Read (or Watch) Fantasy?

    As we leave Halloween 2020 behind, let me pose a question to you that has (on several occasions) been asked of me - and is frequently asked online: Is it wrong for Christians to read fantasy novels or watch fantasy movies and TV shows?