Do Pets Go to Heaven?

So…this is a question that periodically comes up in the course of any pastor’s ministry. And it is often a very sensitive question. In fact, I can think of a couple of people with whom I’ve spoken who have very strong opinions on the matter…and woe be to anyone who disagrees with them.

Well, earlier this afternoon, our family had to say goodbye to our 23-year-old cat “Boots,” so the issue is on my mind. And I hope those with strong feelings on this matter will recognize that it’s not simply an academic topic for me.

As they say, I now have “skin in the game.”

Of course, Boots isn’t the first pet I lost. I distinctly remember losing two cats as a child. I was devastated. And I remember when my in-laws lost their cat. And, of course… I’ve had church members who have been heartbroken over the loss of their animal companions.

Pets don’t just become “like” family. In many ways, they ARE family.

So… do our pets go to heaven? Will we see our pets in heaven?

Some people will ask it broadly (and more honestly, I think, from an intellectual standpoint anyway) by saying “Do animals go to heaven”? After all, is there ANY indication in Scripture as to why God would privilege our pet cat over, say, a frog or a mosquito?

Now, don’t get mad at me. That’s an honest question. And here are some more honest questions…

  • Are pets made in the image of God?
  • Do pets sin?
  • Are there pets in hell? (No one asks that question. I wonder why)
  • Did Jesus die on the cross for animals as well as humans?

One thing that bothers me — and it bothers me A LOT (especially in this day and age) — is when Christians use their EMOTIONS and DESIRES to interpret Scripture. That’s not how it’s done.

Well, sadly, that IS how it’s “done” more and more these days. But it’s not how it’s SUPPOSED to be done.

The issue of whether pets (specifically) or animals (in general) go to heaven is a question only God can answer. Not you. Not me. Only God.

And when it comes to knowing the mind of God on these things, we don’t do that by looking into our hearts or seeking our own “truth.” We must go to the Source of Truth. And that means going to what God has revealed to us. And THAT means…

Opening up the Bible.

And the Bible is silent on this question. There is nothing in the Bible that says animals or pets go to heaven. And, yes, there’s nothing that says they don’t.

What the Bible DOES say is that animals will be in the millennial kingdom (Isaiah 11:6 and 65:25). The Bible also has references to animals worshiping God (Isaiah 43:20-28, Daniel 3:57-59, Psalm 69:34). Keep in mind that these references may just be poetic or allegorical.

And the Bible strongly suggests that animals are (or will be) in the “new heaven and the new earth.” After all, that new heaven and the new earth will, in many ways, be a restoration of Eden.

(I’m now triggering a lot of proverbial mines in eschatological debates — and do not have time to defuse them all in this short post. Sorry. Just roll with me. I’ll deal with end-times prophecy stuff in later posts).

Bottom line: I’m fairly certain animals will be a part of our eternity with God. They are, after all, a part of His creation. So, why wouldn’t they be?


Will the animals alive NOW (and those that have lived since the creation of this world) be in “the new heaven and the new earth”?

That’s a DIFFERENT question. And on THAT question…

The Bible is silent. And we have to be humble enough to recognize that, admit that, and not try to force our desires or agendas on this issue.

Oh, and about those other questions above…

  • Number One is NO
  • Number Two is …. complicated. Pets (and animals in general) are definitely caught up in the consequences of a fallen and sinful world – and, in that sense, yes. Are they morally culpable for their actions in the same way as humans? I don’t believe so (and refer you back to #1 for why)
  • Number Three is… I’m pretty confident the answer is “no,” but I posed the question because we have to be careful of the fallacy of “special pleading.” Technically, the Bible is silent on this one.
  • Number one is a hard NO! Absolutely not.

I would also add:

  • Animals have consciousness
  • Animals have a personality
  • Domesticated animals (especially pets) can bring people a lot of peace and happiness

Nevertheless, you can’t build a theological argument for your pet being in heaven simply on account of those facts.

Bottom line: You can’t assume your pet is in heaven simply because you WANT your pet to be in heaven. And…

You shouldn’t get angry with someone (like a pastor) who has serious reservations about such assumptions.

We simply don’t know. And we honestly don’t need to know.

If Boots is in heaven, praise the Lord. And…

If Boots is NOT in heaven, I can still praise the Lord.

And you need to feel the same way about your pet.

Can we love our pets? Sure. Can we mourn them? Sure. Can we pray for them? Sure. Can we hope for them to be in heaven? Sure.


They are not made in the image of God. Remember that. And the part they play (if any) in the millennial kingdom or in the new heaven and the new earth is NOT up to us.

It’s up to the Father.

And (as the old sitcom says) Father knows best.