Don’t Be a Post-Bible Christian

There is a growing trend among self-identified Christians to diminish or “deconstruct” the Bible. In some ways, this is nothing new. This tendency raises its ugly head in every generation in one form or another. But this time, it’s being amplified by the Internet and social media.

There are plenty of people out there “deconstructing” their faith and patting themselves on the back for their self-determination and courage.

I’m reminded of this verse:

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

Proverbs 14:12, KJV

The best way for the church to guard against this trend — I should say cancer — is to build up immunity in God’s word. That means staying focused on God’s word and guarding it as precious.

I recently wrote an article on this topic for Medium. I hope you’ll check it out.

“Don’t Be a Post-Bible Christian”

Recently, while on sabbatical, I watched a sermon on YouTube. The sermon was on the topic of “deconstruction.” What struck me, as I was listening to what was called a “sermon,” is that not one Bible verse was cited.

Not one.

When I did a little digging into the church that this “pastor” served, I found that they style themselves as a “progressive Christian community.” They say they are “completely fascinated with this complex and beautiful collection of texts we call the Bible — but we worship Jesus.”


Apparently not fascinated enough to ensure that their pastor’s sermons are based on the Bible.

I’m “fascinated” by the Bible too. So much so that I understand it to be what it is: a written record of God’s revelation to and communication with humanity.

To read the rest of this article, click on the following link…

“Don’t Be a Post-Bible Christian” (article published by Koinonia, a publication on Medium)