Choose Gratitude Over Grumbling

Thanksgiving is a time to…well…give thanks. Yes, it’s also (for many people) a time to gather with loved ones, eat a lot, play games, and watch football. But the main purpose is… to give thanks.

Go on the Internet…pretty much anywhere on the Internet…and you’ll find someone griping, groaning, and grumbling about something. In fact, look around at work or in your community or even perhaps in your own family, and you’re likely to see and hear the same. In fact, it may be YOU. 🙂

We love to grumble.

We love to complain.

We love to find fault — in others, in ourselves, in situations, in life in general.

We’re great at it, in fact.

Well, Thanksgiving is an opportunity to put the brakes on all that. And to instead stop, look up, and give thanks. It’s a time to set aside what we typically complain about or argue over –and to just say “Thank you” for all the good in our lives.

Of course, the Bible says we’re to do that all the time — not just on Thanksgiving.

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (I Thessalonians 5:16-18, KJV)

We should do these things every day. But let’s make sure we do them on Thanksgiving.