Do Things God’s Way–And Avoid Most of Your Problems

Life is messy. It’s full of lots of problems. We deal with tragedies, setbacks, obstacles, and more. Life can be tough. There is no question about that. And yet…

Here is something that none of us can refute.

If we did things God’s way, most of our problems would be solved or avoided.

Now, that doesn’t mean life will be problem-free. We live in a fallen world, and that means we’re going to face difficulties that have nothing to do with our choices or actions. Some problems come from the brokenness of the world around us—sickness, accidents, natural disasters. Other times, we face challenges brought on by other people’s actions or even direct spiritual attacks.

So, it’s important to understand that doing things God’s way doesn’t shield us from everything bad. Jesus Himself said, “In this world, you will have trouble” (John 16:33). But He also promised, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.”

While we can’t eliminate every problem from our lives, we can dramatically reduce the number of self-inflicted problems we face. How? By following God’s principles for living.

When we follow God’s design for relationships, we’re less likely to face heartbreak caused by selfishness or betrayal. When we live with integrity, we avoid the painful consequences of dishonesty or cutting corners. When we take care of our bodies (and, yes, I’m working on that 🙂 ), we’re less likely to struggle with health crises. When we manage our finances wisely and practice tithing, we’re less likely to face financial hardship.

I could go on.

I’m not being judgmental in writing this. I struggle too in some areas (as alluded to above). None of us is perfect. But if I have health issues because I don’t take steps to lose weight, I don’t blame God for that. I have to look in the mirror. This is because…

Our imperfection shouldn’t be an excuse for us not to strive to be Christ-like.

We shouldn’t nit-pick and judge others. We need to be gracious and patient with one another, and recognize that everyone has struggles. At the same time, we should encourage one another to live in a way that is responsible and Christ-like.

The bottom line is this: Many of life’s most painful problems are avoidable when we choose to do things God’s way. Yes, problems will still come our way—some beyond our control. But by seeking God’s wisdom and living according to His word, we can steer clear of the many pitfalls we create for ourselves.

It’s not easy, and it takes discipline, but God’s way is always the best way.

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