Why Can’t Vince Vaughn Be Friendly to the President of the United States?

Jesus says “Love Your Neighbor.” (Image from Flickr)

We are now living in Crazy Town. Just when you think society can’t get any crazier or dysfunctional, a news item bursts forth to prove that things can indeed get worse.

Several weeks ago, Ellen Degeneres was friendly (in public) with George W. Bush — and people went crazy. How could a liberal, gay celebrity woman be good friends with a conservative Republican former President?!


Vince Vaughn is seen as friendly and respectful to President and First Lady Trump — and people are going crazy again.

The “cancel culture” is now in full swing with people on social media swearing off ever watching any Vince Vaughn movies again.

We’ve gone Bananas, America!

Read this very carefully: If your political, religious, or social differences with people are so intense that you can’t “love your neighbor” as Jesus commands or (at the very, very least) show a modicum level of courtesy and politeness, then….

YOU are part of what’s wrong with America today.

That’s right… If your political differences lead you to hate and despise others, and live in a perpetual state of contempt, then YOU are part of the problem.

Here’s my request of you….

Don’t be part of the problem. Be part of the solution.

Have strong political views? Fine. Express them. Don’t like a politician in office? Fine. Vote against him or her. Disagree with someone? Fine.

Agreement is not the same as Love. You can love someone and disagree with them. You can love someone and vote against that person. You can love someone and believe he or she should be held accountable for their actions.

As a pastor, I once visited a man in jail who had murdered someone with a .357 magnum. I was still polite and civil toward him, and willing to offer pastoral support. Why? Because God made that person and still loved him. And Jesus died for him. And I was willing to be an instrument of God’s love and grace in that man’s life.

Even so, I believed he needed to be held legally accountable for his crime. And he was.

Love and Agreement are NOT the same.

Love and Approval are NOT the same.

Love and Trust are not the same.

If you love someone, it doesn’t mean you have to trust that person, agree with that person, or approve of what that person is doing (or saying or believing).


Love is absolutely incompatible with hate and contempt. And if, in your disagreement with someone, you surrender to hate and contempt, then you are NO BETTER than the person (or politician or celebrity) you hate. No better at all.

Just do what Jesus says…

Love your Neighbor.

That means your Republican neighbor, your Democrat neighbor, your Trump-supporting neighbor, your Trump-opposing neighbor, your straight neighbor, your LGBTQ neighbor, your Christian neighbor, your Jewish neighbor, your atheist neighbor, your Muslim neighbor, your neighbor….period!

Love your neighbor.

It’s that simple.

So…. do it!