What are the Plans for this Blog?

Hey Everyone! It’s hard to believe the Christmas season is upon us and that 2020 is (finally) coming to an end. What a year it’s been.

I wanted to take a moment to let you know my plans for this blog.

First, I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog’s content. I offer this as part of, and as an extension to, my pastoral ministry. And I plan to continue this blog as a means to hopefully encourage and help the members of Olney Baptist Church and all those who swing by this blog looking for a dose of encouragement, insight, and wisdom.

In the last few weeks, I’ve experimented with a “Three-Times-a-Week” post schedule that included a general article every Monday, nonfiction book reviews every Wednesday, and fiction book reviews (or sometimes movie or play reviews) on Friday.

My day-to-day responsibilities as a pastor make it difficult to keep up that intense of a writing schedule, so I do need to scale that back a bit.

Plus, I want to cast a wider net and hopefully reach more people.

Therefore, I’m going to start writing to a wider audience. That means more articles on Medium as well as submitting articles for publication in magazines, newspapers, and other websites.

Does that mean I’m abandoning this blog? NOT AT ALL.

Moving forward, my plan is to post one article on this blog each Monday with an occasional book review on Friday.

My Monday articles will be on anything ranging from apologetics to devotional thoughts and from Scripture passages I wish to highlight to reflections on what I’m learning in my own walk — as a husband, father, and pastor.

I will also periodically write reviews of some of the non-fiction books I read each year.

What about novels and movies? Well…

“Fiction Friday” isn’t going away. I just can’t promise it will be every week. Count on a “Fiction Friday” review at least once per month. And that may be a review of a novel, movie, or play.

So…there you have it….

I will post an article every Monday and on periodic Fridays.

That’s where we are moving forward.

If you have any questions, let me know in the comments below or shoot me a message. I would love to hear from you.

God bless you.