God and Social Justice

We hear a lot from people today about “social justice” – especially those on the more “progressive” side of things. The hope seems to be that, with enough human progress, we will eventually achieve full justice and equity.

First, let me say that everyone, especially those who claim to love and follow God, should care about society and about justice. This should be obvious, but it seems in this day and age, even obvious things must be stated.

And here’s another obvious fact worthy of attention…

There will never be perfect justice – including so-called “social justice” – in this fallen and sinful world on this side of eternity.

Ever since the Garden of Eden, human history has been characterized by inequity and injustice. Human suffering will not end and complete justice will never be achieved apart from Jesus.

Justice comes when Jesus comes.

While we can — and should — do our part here on this earth, we must never be under any illusions that we can bring about God’s perfect justice. It is not within our power to do so.

The reality of human nature – including YOUR nature – is not something we can fully overcome.

Should we stand for justice? Of course. The Bible is full of God’s people crying out for justice and giving voice to those who often could not speak for themselves. We should follow their example.

But let’s keep our eyes on the Lord. He is our Hope. Not an ideology. Not a government. Not a political party. Not a celebrity. And not a king.

Our hope must be in the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Only He can bring true justice. And one day… He will.

Will you be ready?