Have You Read the Bible?

Do you believe in God? And do you believe the Bible is inspired by God? Assuming you answered yes to both of those questions, then don’t you think it’s important that you read the Bible?

How often do you read the Bible and how much of the Bible have you read?

According to one survey, about 11 percent of Americans read the Bible regularly. Almost 9 out of 10 Americans own a Bible, but according to a 2017 LifeWay survey, over half of Americans have read “relatively little” of the Bible.

One would think that professing Christians would do better than the average American, and evangelical beliefs and church attendance do tend to indicate a greater tendency on the part of people to read the Bible. However, that tendency isn’t as encouraging as one might think. As Al Mohler writes in this article, biblical illiteracy in the church is a “scandalous problem.”

To put it simply, numerous surveys, as well as a general observation of recent trends, demonstrate that most professing Christians in the United States today lack sufficient biblical knowledge and do not hold a biblical worldview.

This is perhaps one explanation of why Christians (certainly in America) seem (overall) less humble and more inclined to selfishness than submission.

It’s time for Christians to get back to the basics. It’s time for Christians to get back into their Bibles!

And that includes you and me.

So, for 2022, might I encourage you to read the Bible — cover to cover, word for word. But…

If that’s too tall a mountain for you to climb…if you’re not used to reading (and feel intimidated by taking on the whole Bible), then at least read the New Testament in 2022.

Don’t read well? Then LISTEN to the Bible. You can get the Bible on audio. There are plenty of options available on Audible, Scribd Audio, or other outlets. And if you’re “old school,” you can always get the Bible on CD. And if you look hard enough, probably cassette tape as well. 🙂 Not sure about 8-track tapes, though.

Make Bible reading a priority in 2022. What greater resolution can you make for yourself than to draw closer to God in 2022 by diving into His word?

God bless you!