I’m Writing a Fantasy Novella

It’s been a lifelong dream to become a published author. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve enjoyed telling stories. I used to create stories with my dad and granddad, and when I was in elementary and middle school (then called junior high), I would write stories — and put my classmates in them as characters.

I’ve always loved stories.

And my dad encouraged me (for years) to write more — to practice my craft and keep at it. But…

Life happened. And I put the fiction writing aside for years.

In these last couple of years, I’ve determined to pick up that dream once again – and pursue it!

And so… I’m writing a novella. Here is the planned cover…

Some of you MIGHT be wondering why I’m writing fantasy instead of historical fiction or biblical fiction.

I love history. I used to TEACH history. And…as you know…I’m now a pastor. And so, writing historical or biblical fiction should be a natural fit for me. So why am I writing fantasy?

The answer is…


Writing professional-quality historical fiction is not a light undertaking. It takes a SIGNIFICANT amount of research to get the time period right. In the case of biblical fiction, I’m certainly comfortable with the Bible itself. I read it and study it often. But…

Writing a novel set in Bible times requires that I essentially become an expert in the cultural SETTING and DAILY LIFE of those times. And that is not easy. Not when you have a family and a full-time-plus job.

For now, the easier (not easy, but easier) path is to MAKE UP the setting – to BUILD my story world.

And that means writing fantasy.

I know many Christians find fantasy fiction objectionable, but…

To them, I say that the two authors who essentially LAUNCHED the modern-day fantasy craze in books, movies, and television shows were Christians!

J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

Yes, I know Tolkien was Catholic and Lewis was Anglican. And I’m Baptist – so I know there are significant differences there. (Although, I dare any Baptist to read Lewis’s theological writings. He or she won’t find a lot to nit-pick. Some, but not a lot).

Fantasy is simply the realm of make-believe. It’s not something to get scared of or to reject out of hand — as many Christians (especially fundamentalist Christians) are apt to do. 🙁

Some fantasy stories are good. Others should be avoided. I hope to write fantasy stories that fit in the former category.

Now, of course, this is my pastoral ministry blog, and so I’m not going to be putting many updates on this blog about my writing. Our focus here with this blog is (and will continue to be) the Bible and my ministry as a pastor. But…

I thought you’d like to know what I’m working on in my personal life.

If you’re interested in learning more about my writing, please follow me on Facebook at my Author Page and/or on my personal Instagram account. I’ll be setting up an author website soon.


One Reply to “I’m Writing a Fantasy Novella”

  1. Sandra Helms

    I found your article on D&D very educational! I just watched Season 4 Episode 1 of Stranger Things on Netflix with my husband and 26 year old son! Wow! I had no idea how complex the D&D world was (is). And I agree with you as a Christian also that it’s a very good idea to stay away from it! I look forward to reading more about your fantasy novella! That’s really cool! God bless!

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