If the Bible Says It, Why Doesn’t That Settle It?

When I was growing up, I remember hearing various preachers and teachers (I went to a Christian school) proclaim: “God says it. I believe it. That settles it.” Of course, some would point out that the middle sentence is superfluous. If God says it, then it’s settled — whether we believe it or not.

But that was then.

The view that what God says settles the matter was more or less the common view among evangelical (and certainly fundamentalist) Christians in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s when I was growing up.

Not so much today.

Today, I commonly rub shoulders with or come across professing Christians who really don’t care whether their beliefs or practices comport with the Scriptures. If they do care, they don’t show it.

Whether we blame modernism, postmodernism, scandals, the sexual revolution, or other factors, the fact remains that there are fewer professing Christians today who have a high view of Scripture than at perhaps any other time since the biblical canon was completed.

Whether we’re talking about salvation, sex, gender, sexual identity, the family, justice, politics, how we should treat one another, or any other issue, people who identify as “Christian” today are more likely to have a worldview based on the world as opposed to the Maker of this world.

Lest I be misunderstood, let me quickly concede the following:

  1. The Bible has been misused and abused by many over the years. And we must be sensitive to those who have been hurt by those who claim to believe and follow the Bible. We must also be on guard against the misuse of the Scriptures.
  2. Even aside from abuse or intentional misuse, we can be incorrect. A person, group, church, and/or denomination can be wrong in their understanding of the Scriptures. And that’s why…
  3. We have to do the hard work of studying and understanding the word of God. And…
  4. We need to be intentional, disciplined, and humble in our approach to the Bible.

I get that life is messy and we are imperfect. And that things aren’t always clear. I get that.

And that’s why we need God! That’s why we need His word!

God’s standard is still God’s standard — even when others get it wrong or when we fall short.

We don’t accomplish anything worthwhile by trying to change, redefine, or ignore God’s standard. We only hurt ourselves.

Let’s stop ignoring or trying to redefine the word of God. Rather, let’s strive to understand it correctly and then obey it fully.

After all, if the Bible truly says it, that should settle it!