Today is the Fourth of July! For those of you who (like me) live in the United States of America, you know this is a special day – one Americans celebrate as “Independence Day.” It was 245 years ago that the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, announcing to the world that the United States of America was now a new and independent nation — no longer a part of the British Empire.
For most of American history, the 4th of July was considered an appropriate day of celebration. Not so much these days. While a majority of Americans still celebrate Independence Day, an increasing number of Americans (soon to be a majority if trends continue) no longer consider America worth celebrating or honoring.
Patriotism is increasingly associated with racism, white supremacy, patriarchy, injustice, and a host of other sins and/or shortcomings. And in Christian circles, any expression of patriotism is often seen as “Christian nationalism” or idolatry.
I would like to take the controversial position that it’s noble and commendable for Americans to celebrate the United States of America.
I know, I know. Outrageous, isn’t it?
Yep, I agree with George Washington who declared in his Farewell Address that the nation we choose as our home “has a just right to concentrate [our] affections.”
America isn’t perfect, but if you hate America or are embarrassed to be an American, then let me remind you that hate never helps a nation. Ever.
What’s more, if you find yourself so bitter, so unhappy to be an American that you can’t stand to live here, then let me say it plainly:
If you hate America, remember that America is a free country, and you’re free to leave.
Follow me on Twitter @briantubbs
People get offended when they hear that or read that. But life is too short to stay mired in a home, community, job, church, or situation that you find unbearable. Exercise some personal agency and grant yourself some personal empowerment by making plans to move to a new home and place that more reflects your values.
But for those of us who choose to make America our home, we need to exercise the integrity to match our attitudes and commitments with our choices.
As for the sins of America, let me say this…
The United States of America is not the sum of its sins.
And why do so many people (living in America, no less) judge America for its sins but give other nations of the world what amounts to a complete pass?
There are plenty of faults to go around. There are no perfect nations in our world. There are no perfect countries.
What’s more, every human being is a flawed, imperfect sinner. And every nation is made up of sinners. That means every nation is a sinful one. Every single one.
We need to be realistic when it comes to assessing the country in which we live. If you’re expecting and demanding a utopia, that’s never going to happen.
Not this side of eternity.
We live in a fallen world populated by imperfect, flawed, and sinful people. There has never been a perfect country and there won’t be one — not until Jesus comes back and reigns personally!
Yes, there are problems in America. Yes, there are sins. Yes, there is some injustice. But…
You can be part of the problem or part of the solution.
To be part of the solution, you need to love your country and strive to make it better.
And THAT is what the Fourth of July is all about! It’s what patriotism is all about.
God bless you and God bless America.