Are You Ready to Live in an AI-Saturated World?

Ready or not…it’s already happening. Artificial Intelligence is no longer the stuff of science fiction or distant speculation. It’s here, shaping the way we work, think, and live—often in ways we don’t even realize. From chatbots and virtual assistants to medical diagnostics and creative tools, AI is becoming woven into the fabric of our daily lives. But with its rapid integration into almost every aspect of society, we’re faced with a pressing question:

Are we ready?

For Christians, this isn’t just a technological or economic question—it’s a spiritual and ethical one. How do we navigate a world increasingly shaped by AI while staying grounded in our faith?

How do we balance the benefits and risks, embracing the tools while guarding against their potential to influence us in ways that conflict with biblical values?

These are big questions, and the answers aren’t simple. But one thing is clear: we can’t afford to ignore them. It’s time to think critically about the role AI plays in our lives and how we, as followers of Christ, can respond with wisdom and discernment.

I used AI to put the above video together. It’s audio-focused so you can listen to it while driving or doing things at home or at work that don’t require your full attention. I think you might find it interesting.

The last part of the video is a discussion about concerns and insights from John Lennox, a brilliant Oxford-based mathematician who is a believer in Christ and has written extensively on AI.

As we move further into an AI-saturated world, it’s essential for everyone to take the time to understand the basics of this transformative technology. Staying informed about its developments—both its benefits and its risks—helps us navigate the opportunities it offers while being mindful of the challenges it presents. Whether it’s how AI impacts our jobs, shapes our communities, or even influences our personal lives, awareness is the first step toward making wise decisions.

As Christians, we’re called to approach the world with both wisdom and prayer. Let’s stay engaged with what’s happening, seek discernment in how AI is used, and keep our leaders, our country, and the world in prayer. God has given us the tools to think critically and act faithfully. By leaning on Him, we can navigate this new era with clarity and confidence, remembering that He is sovereign over all—even the most advanced technology.

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