The twenty-ninth chapter of the Book of Jeremiah is a letter. It’s a letter authored by the prophet Jeremiah and sent to the Babylonian exiles shortly after their forced removal from Jerusalem in 597 B.C. He tackles the challenges encountered by the exiles during their displacement.
At the heart of this letter is a principle that echoes through the ages. It’s found in this verse…
“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13, KJV
The recipients of this letter were in Babylon, far from the promised land, living amid uncertainty and longing for a sign of God’s presence and favor. It was to these exiles that the prophet Jeremiah conveyed God’s words—a call to seek God wholeheartedly, with the assurance of being found by Him.
Perhaps today you feel exiled in your own way. Maybe it’s emotional, spiritual, or relational distance. Maybe it’s a sense of disconnection from what once felt familiar and safe in your spiritual journey. Perhaps it’s changes that you didn’t foresee or welcome.
You can be encouraged that, no matter how discouraging or distressing your circumstances may be, God is still God. He is still on the Throne. And He still loves you and is ready to hear from you.
Many people “seek” God in a perfunctory or partial way. In fact, that’s the most common way. That’s not what God wants.
The call to seek God with your whole heart is an invitation to engage deeply with your faith, beyond a superficial level. It means prioritizing time with God through prayer, meditation on His Word, and the quietness of contemplation where His voice can often be heard most clearly. It involves opening every part of your life to God’s transformative presence and power.
Start by making sure you set aside a dedicated time and place each day (preferably) or at least most days each week to truly focus on God. Try to minimize distractions and focus 100% of your mind on Him. Use this time to pour out your heart to God, express your desires, your fears, and listen for His guidance.
If you find your mind filling up with worries or thoughts of what you have to do, understand that cleansing your mind takes intentional effort and time. In my next post, I’ll talk more in depth about this, but use this intentional prayer time to confess your sins, commit your temptations to God (asking for His strength to overcome them), and then give all your worries and anxieties to Him. At the same time, thank Him for all the good in your life. And pray for the people in your life. And…
Ask God what instructions or guidance He has for you.
Make this time with God a regular, habitual, never-fail part of your life! It’s essential!
You should be regularly in prayer and meditation before God. Regularly in the Bible. And regularly in church. You should also regularly connect with your Christian friends — for encouragement, accountability, and mutual support.
We are in a fallen world in the midst of spiritual warfare. Your spiritual journey is not like coasting on a Lazy River. It’s a cross-country marathon along harsh terrain. It takes effort. But…
It’s worth it. And when you seek God with your whole heart, He will be there for you.
And God is always worth it.
For more of my writing, check out…
- “5 Books That Will Help You in Your Faith”
- “God Sees You: 7 Scriptures to Remind You You’re Never Alone”
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