Book Reviews
Book Recommendations for 2025
Happy New Year! It’s that time when people start thinking about goals, including reading goals. So, I thought I would share a few book suggestions with you — broken down […]
5 Books That Will Help You In Your Faith
The following books can help strengthen your faith, better your understanding of the Bible, and deepen your walk with the Lord. Obviously, make sure you are reading the Bible first […]
Have You Journeyed to Narnia?
Finally. I finally finished reading The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis’s 7-volume legendary masterpiece. My dad recommended I read the series back when I was a kid. It only took […]
Book Review: The True Saint Nicholas by William J. Bennett – A Concise & Pleasant Read
In his concise yet enlightening book, The True Saint Nicholas: Why He Matters to Christmas, William J. Bennett takes us on a journey through time to uncover the elusive medieval […]
Book Review: Killing The Witches by Bill O’Reilly & Martin Dugard – Disjointed, but Informative
In Killing the Witches: The Horror of Salem, Massachusetts, Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard pull back the curtain of history to showcase the harrowing saga in a colonial-era Massachusetts village […]
Confession: I Enjoy Fantasy Novels!
I have a confession to make: I’m a Bible-believing Christian and a pastor. Well, you all know that. What you might not know (unless you know me personally or follow me […]
Here Are 7 of the Best Nonfiction Christian Books to Read (At Least in My Opinion)
I read a lot–fiction and nonfiction, Christian and secular. And in my reading, there have been a few books that have stuck out as “must-reads”, especially for people of faith. […]
One Man’s Journey Through Love and Forgiveness: My Review of Zachary Levi’s Radical Love
About a week ago, I started listening on Audible to Radical Love: Learning to Accept Yourself and Others by Zachary Levi. I was so hooked that I was frustrated when […]
Come to the Garden: My Review of Jon Gordon’s Spiritual Fable
A wise widower, two troubled twins, and a beautiful garden. These are the central characters and setting of the novel we review for today's "Fiction Friday." And that novel is Jon Gordon's inspirational fable, The Garden.
There’s Power in Fasting and Prayer: My Review of Ronnie Floyd’s Book on Spiritual Breakthroughs
If you want spiritual breakthroughs in your life, you must practice fervent prayer and fasting. So says Ronnie Floyd in the book that is the subject for today's review.
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