Spurgeon on Genesis 1: Revisiting a Classic Commentary
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, widely regarded as the “Prince of Preachers,” left behind a rich legacy of biblical teaching. While he is best known for his sermons, he also provided deep […]
Give Your Attitude a Philippians 4:8 Adjustment
A thermostat needs to be adjusted to regulate the temperature in a room. A camera lens (at least on professional cameras) needs adjustment to bring things into focus and better […]
Is it Okay for a Christian to be Hypnotized?
For many Bible-believing Christians, the answer to this question is a hard “No.” And if that is your personal conviction, I respect that. But I’m going to take a more […]
Is It Okay to Be Rude or Disrespectful (At Least Sometimes)?
There is an ongoing debate in Christian circles about whether it’s necessary to be “nice.” There are also, at the same time, a lot of non-Christians who wonder why Christians […]
If You Disagree With the Bible, You Disagree With God
To be against the Bible is to be against God. It is the duty of every Christian to conform to God’s will. It’s not for God to conform to us. […]
The Clash of Critical Theory and Biblical Interpretation: Should One Inform the Other?
A few years ago, I was teaching a Bible study at my current place of ministry, Olney Baptist Church, in Montgomery County, Maryland. I forget the Bible passage we were […]
When Being Woke Becomes an Unequal Yoke, It’s Time to Stop Political Correctness
In his second letter to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul warns believers not to be “unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” It’s my contention that many Christians have been […]
6 Bible Verses That Warn against Alcohol Addiction
Over the fifty-three years of my life, I’ve seen alcohol addiction destroy lives and families. Frankly, it’s been destroying lives for most of recorded history. Indeed, as soon as Noah […]
Are You an Activist or an Ambassador?
Do you believe in God? Yes? Okay, great. Have you given your life to Jesus? Yes? Great. Next question: When it comes to how you engage in discussions (online or […]
How to Avoid (or at least Minimize) the Pulpit-Pew Disconnect (Part Two)
I felt like a failure. I certainly didn’t have a handle on this thing called life. And yet I felt like I was treading water with no shore in sight. […]
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