Is it Wrong for a Christian to Play Dungeons & Dragons?
You’re a wizard hired to escort a caravan of diplomats on an important mission of peace. Suddenly, the lead wagon erupts in flames. You hear guards scream as goblin archers […]
Should Christians Practice the Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a popular belief that "like attracts like" and that your thoughts can (and will) determine your reality. What does the Bible have to say about the Law of Attraction and how should Christians respond to LOA?
Why is Everything Political and Why Are We So Divided?
In case you haven't noticed, it seems that everything - from professional sports to friendships and even our workplace - has become politicized. This trend has been accompanied by high anxiety and deep polarization, and it shows few signs of letting up. How did it get so bad?
“Cuties” and the Last Stand for Decency in our Society
Opposition to the sexualization of children is, in my view, a “last stand” situation for people of any semblance of decency. If we lose this battle, then society loses its […]
Everything is a Muddy Mess (and We’re Sinking Fast)
Society is awash with anger, anxiety, hate, bigotry, racism, violence, fear, and bewilderment. We are continually battered with a cacophony of controversy and confusion. There is no letup and no […]
Washington’s NFL Team Re-brand Debacle is an Opportunity for All of Us
This is truly an “Emperor Has No Clothes” moment for professional sports, and I hope all sports fans will take this opportunity to pause and reflect on our priorities and […]
On this Fourth of July, Put Your Hope in the Lord
Though I am grateful for the United States, I am mindful on this Fourth of July that many people, in the course of this nation’s history, have been hurt or […]
How the Statue Controversy Points to Jesus
It began with calls to remove statues to Confederate generals and politicians. It soon expanded to include statues and memorials to Christopher Columbus, America's Founding Fathers, Union generals, and post-Civil War U.S. Presidents. Many Americans wonder: What's next? And that very question leads us to perhaps one of the greatest moments for evangelism in American history.
America Needs Healing
Never in my lifetime has the United States of America been in the midst of such turmoil, unrest, uncertainty, and pain as is the case now. America needs healing.
Leave No One Behind (and that includes George Floyd)
Yesterday was the funeral for George Floyd, and it led me to think of part of the Soldier's Creed I learned many years ago at Ft. Benning, Georgia: "I will never leave a fallen comrade." We must purpose together as a nation not to leave behind our own citizens -- people like George Floyd.
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