How to Take Your Thoughts Captive
Nearly twenty years ago, I went to prison. How’s that for an opening? 🙂 I hope I have your attention, but I promise it’s not click-bait. I really did go […]
Be a Blessing — Even When The World Isn’t
The world around us can feel chaotic. Politics, cultural tensions, and personal struggles often weigh heavily on our hearts. But as Christians, our calling doesn’t change based on what’s happening […]
You Have the Spirit of Power, So Stop Wallowing and Take Action
This is a spiritual pep talk. A little bit of a kick in the pants, but I’m giving this pep talk to myself just as much as I am to […]
Is Your Name a Good One?
This Monday is a federal holiday. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on your name and legacy. In Maryland, the holiday is called “Presidents’ Day.” Several states call it that. […]
Growing Through Trials: How God Increases Your Capacity
Think back to your childhood. The burdens you carried then were small compared to what you handle now. A child can’t manage the responsibilities of adulthood. But over time, we […]
Staying Serene in Changing Times
Change is unsettling. We live in changing times. Let’s not sugarcoat that. I don’t want this post to be political, but it’s a fact that the new administration is making […]
Is Your Heart or Spirit Broken?
My attempt to delicately balance my salad bowl with my food plate failed. The salad bowl crashed onto the dining room floor, sending salad and shards of the bowl everywhere. […]
The Believer’s Priesthood–A Look at “Priesthood” in I Peter 2:5 and 9
In 1 Peter 2:5 and 2:9, Peter describes believers as a “holy priesthood” and a “royal priesthood.” What does that mean? Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂 The Greek term […]
God Hasn’t Given Up on You (So Don’t Give up on Him)
Exhausted and despairing, a Jewish prophet stumbled his way through the Negev wilderness. Covered in dust, his hair matted and his face bearing signs of fatigue and stress, Elijah was […]
How Do You Know if You Have a Biblical Worldview?
Last summer, while on sabbatical, I watched a sermon on YouTube. The sermon was on the topic of “deconstruction.” What struck me, as I was listening to what was called […]
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