Profiles in Faith
Do You Believe God When He Speaks? A Lesson from Zacharias
In the Gospel of Luke, we are introduced to Zacharias (also spelled Zechariah), the father of John the Baptist, in a moment that challenges his faith. It also carries a […]
Happy 100th Birthday, President Carter
Dad didn’t care much for Jimmy Carter (at least not politically), but Grandot (what I called my paternal grandfather) did. And I grew up witnessing their political debates. Dad was […]
A Lesson From Michael
Yesterday (September 29) was Michaelmas (otherwise known as “the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael”). I have a confession to make. Until this year, I never really paid attention […]
These All Died in Faith: The Legacy of The Saints in Hebrews 11
Hebrews 11 is of course often referred to as the “Hall of Fame of Faith” in the Bible, showcasing the extraordinary examples of faith displayed by various biblical figures, inspiring […]
Why Did God Change Sarah’s Name?
In the book of Genesis, shortly after Ishmael is born, God reaffirms His promise to Abraham and changes Sarai’s name to Sarah: “And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, […]
What Must I Do to Be Saved?
The night was supposed to be like any other, as the jailer made his rounds, checking on the hardened criminals in their cold, dimly lit cells. He had done this […]
7 Tim Keller Quotes to Strengthen Your Faith and Your Witness for Christ
The world was greeted today with the news that Timothy Keller passed into the arms of Jesus. For Keller, who endured a 3-year battle with pancreatic cancer and who told […]
Was it Wrong for Rahab to Lie?
It’s a sin to lie, right? We’re supposed to always be honest, right? That certainly seems to be what the Bible says. Here are several Bible verses that tell us […]
7 Quotes From George Washington on the Importance of Faith and Religion
February 22 is the birthday of the father of the United States of America, George Washington. It seemed appropriate to reflect a little on Washington’s faith. (For those who object […]
Were the Founding Fathers Christian?
Almost since the beginning of the United States, Americans have argued over the faith and beliefs of the men we know as the Founding Fathers. Some believe the Founders were […]
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