Spiritual Growth
Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
Few topics in Christian theology generate as much discussion as baptism and salvation. Some churches teach that baptism is necessary for salvation, while others (like Olney Baptist Church) say it […]
How to Take Your Thoughts Captive
Nearly twenty years ago, I went to prison. How’s that for an opening? 🙂 I hope I have your attention, but I promise it’s not click-bait. I really did go […]
The Serenity Prayer – A Great Piece of Wisdom and Reminder of God’s Guidance
The Serenity Prayer is one of the most well-known and widely quoted prayers in the world. It has provided comfort and wisdom to countless individuals, especially those facing difficulties beyond […]
Be a Blessing — Even When The World Isn’t
The world around us can feel chaotic. Politics, cultural tensions, and personal struggles often weigh heavily on our hearts. But as Christians, our calling doesn’t change based on what’s happening […]
Growing Through Trials: How God Increases Your Capacity
Think back to your childhood. The burdens you carried then were small compared to what you handle now. A child can’t manage the responsibilities of adulthood. But over time, we […]
Staying Serene in Changing Times
Change is unsettling. We live in changing times. Let’s not sugarcoat that. I don’t want this post to be political, but it’s a fact that the new administration is making […]
How to Have a Happy New Year
When I see a perpetually unhappy Christian, it makes me unhappy…for them. Don’t get me wrong. I know life can sometimes be hard, and I understand there are ups and […]
Do You Believe in Miracles?
The Bible is full of miracles, from the parting of the Red Sea to the resurrection of Jesus. But in our modern, scientifically driven world, many people—even within the church—question […]
What Does it Mean to be “Saved”?
No relationship is more important than your relationship with God, and no question is more pressing than where you will spend eternity when you die. So, let’s consider a crucial […]
Is Your Heart or Spirit Broken?
My attempt to delicately balance my salad bowl with my food plate failed. The salad bowl crashed onto the dining room floor, sending salad and shards of the bowl everywhere. […]
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