Spiritual Growth
Don’t Drift From The Bible
In the summer of 2005, my wife and I went to the Bahamas — with over 20 teenagers! I was a high school teacher at Fair Oaks Academy (formerly Bethlehem […]
Why Should I Go to Church?
One of the books I’m reading (I usually have several books-in-progress simultaneously) is The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them […]
King Solomon’s 7 Steps to Wisdom
In today’s world, we’re constantly bombarded with information and opinions from all sides, making it challenging to find true wisdom amid the noise. While it’s easy to think that wisdom […]
3 Powerful Father’s Day Lessons From Jairus
Jairus was a first-century ruler in the synagogue of Capernaum, but when we meet him in Scripture, his power and prestige mattered little. What mattered to Jairus was his 12-year-old […]
A Brief Word About Expectations
Expectations are what we think will happen or at least should happen. Reality is what actually does happen. If you’ve been alive for any length of time, you know that […]
America Doesn’t Need a Pride Month–We Need a Humility Month
June is Pride Month. What is Pride Month? I’ll let the Library of Congress define it: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each year […]
Not Everything You Read Online is True (Including This Blog Post)
When I was a kid, I remember thinking: “Wouldn’t it be great if I could get an answer to any question I had at any time I wanted?” Oh, and […]
Are You Where God Wants You to Be?
If God communicated something personal and specific to you, would you hear Him? Are you open to receiving a word from Him? Most of us are inclined to say “Of […]
Are You Seeking God With Your Whole Heart?
The twenty-ninth chapter of the Book of Jeremiah is a letter. It’s a letter authored by the prophet Jeremiah and sent to the Babylonian exiles shortly after their forced removal […]
Balancing Mercy and Truth in the Church
God is holy. Truth is absolute. The Bible is God-breathed and should be seen as authoritative over our lives. The church constitutes God’s family on earth. And should reflect our […]
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