Did Jesus Die For Our Sins? A Look at the Doctrine of Substitutionary Atonement
Some truths are uncomfortable. Some Christian doctrines confront us with realities we’d rather not face. The substitutionary atonement of Christ is one of them. Simply put, substitutionary atonement is the […]
Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
Few topics in Christian theology generate as much discussion as baptism and salvation. Some churches teach that baptism is necessary for salvation, while others (like Olney Baptist Church) say it […]
A Simple Introduction to the Major Branches of Christianity
Spend any time in Christian circles or examining Christian beliefs and you’ll run into a dizzying array of confusion. Estimates suggest there are nearly 45,000 distinct Christian denominations globally, ranging […]
Are You a Conservative, Liberal, or Progressive Christian?
The Christian landscape can be quite confusing. The breadth and diversity of beliefs and perspectives among those who self-identify as “Christian” can be mind-boggling to say the least. Trying to […]
Who Was that Baby in the Manger?
The Christmas story is one of the most beloved in human history: a baby born in a manger, heralded by angels, visited by shepherds, and eventually adored by wise men. […]
What Kind of a Christian Are You?
Let me kick this off with a hypothetical conversation. Try to follow along. And that’s about where we lose most people. Most people believe a bunch of stuff when it […]
Do You Believe in Miracles?
The Bible is full of miracles, from the parting of the Red Sea to the resurrection of Jesus. But in our modern, scientifically driven world, many people—even within the church—question […]
What is Communion? A Simple Explanation of the Lord’s Supper
Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, is a common practice in the Christian faith. Biblically, it is an ordinance given by Jesus to the Christian church. It is essentially […]
What Does it Mean to be “Saved”?
No relationship is more important than your relationship with God, and no question is more pressing than where you will spend eternity when you die. So, let’s consider a crucial […]
The Believer’s Priesthood–A Look at “Priesthood” in I Peter 2:5 and 9
In 1 Peter 2:5 and 2:9, Peter describes believers as a “holy priesthood” and a “royal priesthood.” What does that mean? Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂 The Greek term […]
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