Happy Birthday, America!

To my fellow Americans, today is our Independence Day. Well, according to John Adams, it should have been July 2, but that’s a story for another time. Officially, our birthday is July 4, 1776, and that’s what we’re sticking with, so…

Happy Birthday, America!

May we celebrate our country today — and may we say a prayer of thanks to God for our country!

While I know the exchange God had with Solomon in the Book of II Chronicles was for the covenant nation of Israel and the United States is not biblical Israel…


My prayer for the United States is based on God’s answer to King Solomon after the dedication of God’s Temple in Jerusalem. See II Chronicles 7:14. I pray that Americans (starting with and especially God’s people in America) will:

  • humble themselves
  • pray
  • seek God’s face
  • turn from their wicked ways

I know that God’s promises to the covenant, biblical nation of Israel aren’t always applicable directly to modern-day nations like the United States. Nevertheless, I can’t help but believe that, if God’s people in America would do the above four things…

We would see a spiritual revival in America.

A revival is worth praying for!

I hope all of you will pray for that revival on this Fourth of July. For while we celebrate the anniversary of our independence as a sovereign nation, may we never seek to be independent from God.

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