Let’s face it—sharing your faith can feel awkward. Many Christians today feel caught between the biblical call to share the good news of Jesus Christ and the very real fear of coming across as pushy, judgmental, or offensive. Especially with family and close friends, the fear of damaging relationships keeps many believers silent.
My first piece of advice is… Don’t be pushy or obnoxious. We’ll say more about that in a little bit, but obeying the Great Commission doesn’t mean you have to give a Gospel tract to every person you meet, beat people over the head with your Bible, or try to turn every conversation into the next Great Awakening.
You can be polite, civil, gracious, wise, reasonable, respect people’s boundaries–and obey the Great Commission–all at the same time. Yes, it can be done.
Nevertheless, I admit that it can still be awkward and sometimes problems can ensue. After all, in a world where spiritual conversations can quickly turn divisive, even the most well-meaning efforts can be misunderstood.
Still, we’re called to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help make disciples. So, how do we share our faith in a way that honors Christ and doesn’t alienate the people we care about?
Before we dive into these tips, please know that (in spite of the implication of the title of this blog post) I can’t promise that your family or friends will always be reasonable or gracious. People have issues. They have their own experiences, their own past, their own “triggers,” their own stories, their own levels of mental / spiritual / emotional health, and so forth. I can’t offer any guarantees, except this…
If you incorporate the following tips, you’re less likely to alienate your family or lose friends.
Of course, I need to offer one more disclaimer: Sometimes, the healthiest thing for you is to love some people at a distance. You have to respect your boundaries too. And sometimes we have to stop hanging out with certain people for the sake of our own spiritual (and mental or emotional) health and our own testimony in Christ.
Okay, with all that said… let’s get started…
Here are some tips to help you share your faith effectively with family and friends.
Begin with Prayer and Self-Reflection
Before you say a word to others, take time with God. Pray. Reflect on your own walk with Christ. Make sure you have a relationship. Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? Are you walking with Him?
Your faith can’t just rest on what your parents believed or what your church teaches. It must be personal—rooted in your relationship with Jesus, your study of Scripture, and listening to the Holy Spirit.
Additionally, know what you believe and why you believe it. How do you do that? Read the Bible. Be in a good, Bible-believing church — and attend regularly. Ask questions. Grow in knowledge and wisdom.
When it comes to understanding the basics, read the Gospel of John (especially Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus) and read and study the Romans Road. You can’t go wrong with the Romans Road!
If you’re not sure in your own faith, it’s hard to speak clearly or confidently to others. But when your heart is grounded in Christ and His revelation, your story becomes something only you can tell—and that’s a powerful tool in evangelism.
Lead with Love
People aren’t projects. They’re not “targets” for conversion. Your job is not to keep score or “win souls” as if it’s a competition. That’s God’s work. Your job is to love and to share. But, first, to love…
- “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” – Matthew 22:39
- “Honour all men.” – 1 Peter 2:17
- “Do good unto all men.” – Galatians 6:10
If you’re not actively loving your neighbor, serving others, and living with integrity, then it may be best to pause and focus on your own walk before attempting to share your faith. When people see that you’re sincere, humble, and caring—they’re far more likely to listen.
Look for Openness and Opportunity
The Apostle Peter wrote:
“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” – 1 Peter 3:15
Let them see the hope in your life. And then answer their inquiries with gentleness and respect.
Note that Peter speaks of the other person asking you for the “reason of the hope that is in you.” Did you catch that? I realize Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:18-20 carry the command to go and preach or proclaim. But Peter here is implying we should position ourselves to be asked.
Is Peter contradicting our Lord? No.
It comes down to setting and context. Sometimes, we proclaim without being asked. But…
Even in Jesus’ case…
How did Jesus draw the crowds?
Think about it.
He performed miracles. He spoke up for the disadvantaged and downtrodden. He challenged the establishment. He spread love. He captured people’s attention and intrigued them. And they came to find out more. They came to hear Him.
You’ll be in a much better position to share your faith effectively– without alienating family or friends–if they ask YOU about your faith.
I’m not saying this is always possible, nor am I coming down hard on this one as if it’s some kind of biblical law. I’m just offering some food for thought based on the evangelistic conversations we see in the Bible. Do a study for yourself.
And that leads to…
Listen First, Speak Second
Too often, we’re ready to preach before we’ve even asked a question. But effective faith-sharing requires listening—genuinely and without judgment. Ask thoughtful questions. Learn what they believe and why. Seek to understand their doubts, their background, and their concerns.
The Holy Spirit works in hearts—we don’t have to push. Be faithful in conversation, not forceful.
Share Your Story and Live it Out
Doctrine matters, yes—but people rarely change because they lost an argument. What they remember is you. I think it was Maya Angelou who said that people may not remember what you say, but they remember how you made them feel. Think about that.
When people ask about your faith, share how your faith in Christ has shaped you, sustained you, or brought you through hardship. That’s something no one can refute.
And be sure to live that out! Believe me, they’re watching.
A changed life is the strongest argument for the Gospel. You may not always get the opportunity to explain your faith, but your life speaks volumes every day. Does it reflect Christ?
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith…” – Galatians 5:22
You’ve no doubt heard the saying: “Preach the gospel at all times; when necessary, use words.” That’s partly true. Eventually, you will have to use words–or someone will. The Bible is, after all, written in words. But…
If your walk isn’t matching your talk, then your talk can do more harm than good.
Respect Boundaries
Even Jesus allowed people to walk away. If someone tells you or signals to you they’re not ready for or open to having a spiritual conversation, respect that. If they clam up or try to change the conversation or start to back off in some way (perhaps literally)…then…as a general rule…don’t push. There may be some exceptions to this, but those are rare. As a general rule, respect people’s boundaries.
Keep praying. Keep loving. Keep living your faith in front of them. But respect their boundaries.
Remember what Paul wrote:
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” – 1 Corinthians 3:6
Don’t try to do God’s part of the work. You’re not responsible for outcomes—just obedience and love.
Be Wise About When and Where
Not every moment is the right time for a spiritual conversation. Some settings lend themselves to deeper talks; others don’t. Holiday meals, tense family gatherings, or casual social events may not be ideal.
But when someone is hurting, searching, or facing a crossroads—those moments often create open doors. Be sensitive to the Spirit’s prompting, and when the time is right, be ready.
Hope is a Person
Remember: Hope is a Person. That Person isn’t you. It’s Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the Hope of the world. I believe in growing in knowledge and wisdom. I love studying the Bible and sharing what I’ve learned. I love apologetics–all the evidence for God’s existence, for Jesus’ resurrection, for the reliability of the Bible, and so forth. But remember this…
Your goal shouldn’t be to persuade people to the kingdom of God. Your objective is to introduce them to Jesus Christ, the Hope of the world!
Everything you do or say should be consistent with and in the ultimate service of encouraging the people in your life to seek Jesus.
If they have little knowledge of the Bible (this is something you can gauge by asking polite and sincere questions), then…some suggestions…
- Ask if they are open to you reading some Bible verses with them. If they are, pull out your cell phone (or, if you’re “old school,” your pocket New Testament) and read through the “Romans Road” with them. Those verses in Romans perfectly lay out the sinful condition of humanity and what God did for us through His Son. Don’t try to “close the sale.” Just make sure they understand what Paul is saying in those verses.
- Encourage them (when they get home or when they have time) to read the Gospel of John. Tell them to pay close attention (when they’re in John) to chapter 3, especially Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus.
- Invite them to come to church with you.
- Tell them you’re happy to introduce them to your pastor or one of your godly friends if they’re interested.
- Encourage them to make a list of their questions, concerns, objections, etc. Then, say you’re willing to do some research with them on those questions or concerns one by one. Chances are, there are books out there or podcast discussions/interviews out there that address those questions. Are they willing to read or listen to them? If you need help with recommendations, feel free to reach out to me. You can also look at my recommendations page.
The preceding are suggestions. You don’t have to do them all. Do what works. You have to use prayer and wisdom to navigate the conversation. And don’t push. If they decline, respect that.
The important things to keep in mind are…
- You’re inviting them to draw near to God. You’re inviting them to meet Jesus.
- Don’t “force” anything.
- Don’t make the other person’s decision about you. This isn’t about your ego or feelings or “success.”
- Don’t make them feel like you’re selling them some kind of business idea that’s going to benefit you — or some kind of cult that’s going to control their life. You’re not selling. You’re sharing.
- Know when to back off.
- You’re not the Holy Spirit. He’s better at drawing people to Jesus than you or I ever will be!
Final Thoughts
Sharing your faith isn’t about forcing a conversation. It’s about living and speaking in a way that reflects the heart of Jesus. And when you do that—with humility, love, and wisdom—conversations may arise that go deeper than you ever expected.
The goal isn’t to “win.” The goal is to love and be faithful.
Let your faith be real. Let your story be honest. Let your love be loud. And when God gives the opportunity to share your faith, share it.
If you wish to brush up on the basics of the Christian faith…
- “The Romans Road to Salvation”
- “Did Jesus Die for Our Sins?”
- “What Does it Mean to be ‘Saved’?”
- “A Simple Introduction to the Major Branches of Christianity”
Thank you for Reading!
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Once again Pastor you explained this difficult subject of when and how to share your faith. Well done sir. I thoroughly enjoy your writings.