What Are Your Reading Goals for 2024?

You do have reading goals, don’t you?

According to a few online sources, the average American reads about 12 books per year. Come to find out, this number includes books that readers may not finish. If we focus only on completed books, the number drops to 5 books per year.

I must confess. I’m what’s called a “whale reader.” No, this isn’t because I’m overweight. (I’m working on that). A whale reader is someone who reads a book a week – or over 50 books a year. That’s me. I read at least 50 books per year.

How do I find time to read? Easy. I always have my phone or iPad with me – which means I always have access to my Kindle app. So, I grab reading opportunities throughout the day as I’m able. What’s more, I listen to books during my commute. I also prefer to read rather than watch TV. You can do the same.

If you want to read more, you’ll be able to make the time.

So, I ask you again… What are your reading goals?

Don’t have reading goals? Well…

You need to set some.

You should start by making it a goal to read through the Bible this year. That’s the most important book to read. If you’ve never read the Bible before, make 2024 the year you do so. If you read 100 words a minute (which is easy to do) and will dedicate 30 minutes each day, you can read the entire Bible EASILY in 2024.

If you’re too intimidated by the thought of tackling the whole Bible or if you find yourself getting bogged down in Leviticus, then prayerfully consider starting with the New Testament. If you read just 10 minutes per day, you can finish the New Testament in 165 days or less. And that’s if you only read 100 words per minute.

If you do regularly read the Bible, that’s awesome. Keep it up. And then consider what other books, articles, essays, etc. God may want you to read. As the Book of Proverbs tells us…

Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction. (Proverbs 10:14, KJV)

You do want to be wise, don’t you? 🙂

So, pray and ask God to show you what knowledge you should “lay up” (or “store up” as other translations say) for 2024.

God bless you!

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