Month: February 2023

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: How to Handle Conflict According to the Bible: 10 Verses You Should Know (and Follow)

    How to Handle Conflict According to the Bible: 10 Verses You Should Know (and Follow)

    Christians should be examples to the rest of the world on how to properly handle conflicts and disagreements. Sadly, most Christians are not. If you want to handle conflict and […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Test Everything!

    Test Everything!

    You’ve heard the old saying about assuming, right? Since this is a Christian blog (a pastor’s blog, no less), I’ll paraphrase. The saying is that assuming makes a … donkey […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Our God is Amazing: 6 Characteristics of God

    Our God is Amazing: 6 Characteristics of God

    One of the first prayers I learned as a kid was “God is great. God is good. And we thank Him for our food…” You know the prayer. Those first […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Are You an Activist or an Ambassador?

    Are You an Activist or an Ambassador?

    Do you believe in God? Yes? Okay, great. Have you given your life to Jesus? Yes? Great. Next question: When it comes to how you engage in discussions (online or […]