Take Time to Rest
Rest is not a luxury. It’s a necessity. Somewhere along the way, we started treating exhaustion like a badge of honor. If we’re not working, striving, and pushing ourselves to […]
What Does it Mean to Honor Our Parents?
This Sunday (May 12) is Mother’s Day. Churches across America (as well as Australia, Italy, Turkey, and other countries that observe Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May) will […]
The United Methodist Church Affirms LGBTQ+ Church Members. I Have Questions.
Of those who remain affiliated with the United Methodist Church, the denomination that goes back to John Wesley, most are overjoyed that their denomination last week redefined marriage, while “removing […]
It’s Not Your Spouse’s Job to Make You Happy
Your wife or husband should love you, serve you, and contribute to your happiness. But your spouse cannot make you happy. It is neither possible nor fair for you to […]
17 Proverbs for a Stronger, Happier Marriage
The Book of Proverbs is the greatest collection of wisdom ever put to paper (or…originally, papyrus or parchment). If you want to enjoy a strong, healthy, and happy marriage, you […]
Sacred Sexuality: 10 Bible Passages That Teach Sexual Morality
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge is one of the defining landmarks of the mid-Atlantic coastal region. I’ve traveled across it numerous times. One time, there was some kind of road work […]
Should Christians Participate in Halloween?
As we get closer to October 31, this question becomes more pressing in the minds of believers, especially parents. I hope that I can offer some helpful food for thought […]
What Does the Bible Say About Identity, Sex, Marriage, and Family?
I don’t want to write this article. Why? Because these issues are steeped in pain, controversy, and confusion. And our society (and I’m speaking of western, especially American, society) is […]
Men, Keep Bitterness Out of Your Heart and Home
Paul’s letter to the Colossians contains some of the best teachings in the Bible on Jesus and Christian maturity. Colossae was a small Phrygian city about one hundred miles from […]
What to Do If You’re Struggling in Your Home Life?
Are you struggling right now at home? What word best describes your state of mind? Discouraged? Trapped? Lost? Hopeless? Scared? Confused? Sad? Despairing? A Quick Word for Crisis Situations Let […]
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